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Ghost Hunting Static Meter

Ghost Hunting Static Meter

Ghost Hunting Static Meter

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This device scientifically documents the static electricity feeling investigators experience when spirits are around us. This is the static feeling that makes our hair stand up on end & gives us goosebumps. Now there is a device that gives you scientific evidence of this phenomenon for your paranormal videos! Our static meter is extremely easy to use as it has one power switch that you turn on activating the green power on light. Set it in an area with the included mini tripod & monitor it or fold the tripod up to carry it around as a handheld mount. When static electricity is present within the immediate area of this device either a red light for positive static ions will activate or a blue light for negative static ions will activate. These lights will stay lit as long as the static electricity around it is present. If the static electricity is powerful enough the light will begin to flash signaling such an event is occurring. Once the static electricity anomaly is gone the light will automatically shut itself off. Both the positive and negative static electricity ion lights have reset buttons underneath them if you want to reset the sensors at any time. This device is great when using conjunction with our EMF meter. Since our static meter does not pick up man-made electricity to have them both go off at the same time is very compelling evidence. We have used this static meter for years, it has provided us with some amazing paranormal evidence used in our videos. The static meter can even be used to communicate with spirits if you can make them go near it to set off the lights for a yes & step away from it for a no answer.



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