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Our Paranormal Investigation Videos
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the equipment we design, build, & sell!

We Allow Our 7-Year-Old To Talk To The Dead | MY EXTRAORDINARY FAMILY

We Allow Our 7-Year-Old To Talk To The Dead | MY EXTRAORDINARY FAMILY

SUBSCRIBE to Truly: PARANORMAL investigators Todd and his fiancee, Marissa, from New Bedford, Massachusetts have made researching the afterlife their full-time job. When the couple moved into their first home together 10 years ago, they got a nasty surprise - their house was haunted by negative spirits. Todd told Truly: “We would see apparitions and shadow figures, things would be thrown and we would hear voices.” In a quest to find out more, Todd and Marissa learned everything there is to know about the paranormal. Last year, the two moved into a converted old school building with their young daughter Julia. When the seven-year-old told her parents about nightly knocking on her bedroom walls, the family realised they had again moved into a haunted property. “We decided to investigate our new home and we have a known spirit here named Angie, she’s become part of our family, she’s the roommate you can’t see,” Todd explained. And Julia has taken over the obsession for the afterlife from her parents. Marissa added: “When I grew up my parents told me it was fake, but I won’t do that. I tell my daughter the truth, I want her to know about it." When possible, Julia joins her parents on their paranormal adventures and is learning all there is to know about communicating with the afterlife. Todd said: “Julia knows more about the paranormal than most adults out there, she is going to be a phenomenal investigator one day.” Follow their story here: Youtube: Website: Videographer: Colin Bell Producers: Stephanie Stijkel & Yasmin Walker Editor: Garry Sykes Now you can watch our videos in Spanish!: Click here to follow your favourite Truly shows on Instagram! Truly - Born Different - Shake My Beauty - Hooked On The Look - Love Don't Judge - Beastly - Ridiculous Rides - Dog Dynasty - For more amazing content, click here! Beastly: Barcroft Cars:
𝗥𝗲𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗹𝘆 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗹 with Marissa & Todd!

𝗥𝗲𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗹𝘆 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗹 with Marissa & Todd!

This Sunday, November 24th, we are joined by Marissa & Todd from 𝗥𝗲𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗹𝘆 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗹! You might know them from their online store 𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒚 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒍 𝑬𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒑𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕, which is found on Ebay, Etsy, and their website. Here you can find and purchase paranormal equipment, all of which they both use during their own investigations. Marissa & Todd currently live in a haunted school building that was built in 1882, and before that, they lived in a location that was also paranormally active. Join us as we get to know them more and their products, and hear about their experiences from investigating some of the most notorious paranormal locations! 👻 𝗚𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗸𝘀: Website: Facebook Group: Relatively Paranormal YouTube: RelativelyParanormalEquipment _____________________________ Come join us 𝗟𝗜𝗩𝗘 every Sunday at 𝟲PM EST- 𝟯PM PST!! Or be team 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆 ▶️ 🫶🏼 👻 👉🏻 To watch our spooky content and live stream, head on over to our respective 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗧𝘂𝗯𝗲 pages: @ 305paranormal @ Joy-Joey ¤ ━━━━━━━━ ¤ Check out and Follow our 𝗟𝗶𝗻𝗸𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗲 🌳 below: 👉🏼 👉🏼 #relativelyparanormal #ghosthunter #Ghostbusters #paranormalequipment #Etsy #305paranormal #SpookedCoastToCoast
Relatively Paranormal Live Sharing Evidence Clips And More!

Relatively Paranormal Live Sharing Evidence Clips And More!

On this Episode of Talking With The Source, we have special guests Todd Sylvia and Marissa Weiner of Relatively Paranormal with us Live! Join us Wednesday August 10th 2023 Live on Facebook @ Parapost Network Central “Home of Amazing Paranormal Podcasts an more!” As well as our 7 other locations as we dive deep into the unknown with Relatively Paranormal! They will be showing Amazing Evidence Clips they have caught on investigations, as well as Discussing their Wickedly Haunted Series on YouTube , and much much more!! Visit Relatively Paranormal Links Below and tell them Talking With The Source Sent You!! : Official Website: Official Relatively Paranormal Equipment For Sale Etsy Shop! ( All Handmade by Todd): Relatively Paranormal Wickedly Haunted YouTube Channel!: Make sure to Follow them on Facebook as well! To see all Talking With The Source previous Episodes make sure to Follow us on Facebook Now! Our newest platforms to find Talking With The Source on is Twitter & YouTube! So please help us make these pages grow by Following Us on Twitter as well as Subscribing to our YouTube Channel Now! We cannot thank our viewers enough for all the support and love you have shown us and continue to show us weekly!! We want our viewers to get involved in the conversations each week Live! So make sure to join us and comment your questions for our guests or for us and we will make sure to put them on the screen an get your questions answered live! Do you love Paranormal Podcasts? Live Investigations, Live Tarot and Medium Readings?! Then hop on Facebook and head over to Parapost Network Central Now! Parapost Network Central on Facebook is a page dedicated to the Paranormal n more! Daily Live Paranormal Podcasts, Live Investigations, Live Tarot Readings, Live Medium Readings and more! Follow Parapost Network on Facebook Now! Also visit as well as Download the Free Parapost Network App Now Available For IOS & Android! Parapost Network App is a Free app for IOS and Android where you make a free account and join an amazing community of Paranormal Teams, Enthusiast and Paranormal Lovers alike where you can Post, Share content and get connected with like minded people who love the Paranormal field just like you! So come hangout with us on the Parapost Network App now! Calling all Paranormal Teams & Researchers!!! Have you Registered your Team for the 2023 10-day Global Ghost Hunt Event Yet?!?! No!!!?? We’ll head over to Now and Register!! Teams are signing up an slots are being filled so head over to the link now and join all of us for this Epic Yearly Event with Global Ghost Hunt! Global Ghost Hunt is a yearly 10-day event (5 days in May an 5 in October) where teams an researchers from all over the Globe will be streaming their Live Investigations from their Haunted Location giving viewers in multiple platforms unprecedented access into the world of real Paranormal Investigations! Even if your location or yourself doesn’t have a way to stream live don’t worry us at Global Ghost Hunt have you covered! - Full team support -Full Location Support -Massive Exposure on a Global Scale -Full Multimedia Department for promotion of Teams/Locations -Streaming Each Teams Investigation on Multiple Platforms and more! And that’s just alittle bit! We have an entire Administration Team that is making this all happen and our number 1 goal is providing each team with whatever they need to 1. Give them the most promotion/ exposure 2. So that each team can have a successful awesome investigation! So come an join us for this Epic Event! We will be announcing our sponsors for Glibal Ghost Hunt closer we get to the event and we have some awesome backings! Follow Global Ghost Hunt Now on Facebook, Twitter, Tik-Tok, and YouTube for upcoming News and Updates!! And for all information regarding this event again head over to and Register your team Now!! Check out Talking With The Source’s Hosts personal Paranormal Research Teams: AJ Capasso- Coventry Circle Paranormal (on Facebook,Twitter,Tik-Tok and YouTube) Stevo Hopkins- Stevo My Journey Paranormal & S&K Paranormal ( on Facebook, Tik-Tok,YouTube) Robin Haffern- Haffern Paranormal (on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube)
3 Souls Paranormal Live On Talking With The Source!

3 Souls Paranormal Live On Talking With The Source!

On this episode of Talking With The Source, we are joined by an amazing group called 3 Souls Paranormal! Check out their YouTube channel below! 3 Souls Paranormal YT Channel! Don’t forget to check out all of their Social Medias Now! To see all Talking With The Source previous Episodes make sure to Follow us on Facebook Now! Our newest platforms to find Talking With The Source on is Twitter & YouTube! So please help us make these pages grow by Following Us on Twitter as well as Subscribing to our YouTube Channel Now! We cannot thank our viewers enough for all the support and love you have shown us and continue to show us weekly!! We want our viewers to get involved in the conversations each week Live! So make sure to join us and comment your questions for our guests or for us and we will make sure to put them on the screen an get your questions answered live! Do you love Paranormal Podcasts? Live Investigations, Live Tarot and Medium Readings?! Then hop on Facebook and head over to Parapost Network Central Now! Parapost Network Central on Facebook is a page dedicated to the Paranormal n more! Daily Live Paranormal Podcasts, Live Investigations, Live Tarot Readings, Live Medium Readings and more! Follow Parapost Network on Facebook Now! Also visit as well as Download the Free Parapost Network App Now Available For IOS & Android! Parapost Network App is a Free app for IOS and Android where you make a free account and join an amazing community of Paranormal Teams, Enthusiast and Paranormal Lovers alike where you can Post, Share content and get connected with like minded people who love the Paranormal field just like you! So come hangout with us on the Parapost Network App now! Calling all Paranormal Teams & Researchers!!! Have you Registered your Team for the 2023 10-day Global Ghost Hunt Event Yet?!?! No!!!?? We’ll head over to Now and Register!! Teams are signing up an slots are being filled so head over to the link now and join all of us for this Epic Yearly Event with Global Ghost Hunt! Global Ghost Hunt is a yearly 10-day event (5 days in May an 5 in October) where teams an researchers from all over the Globe will be streaming their Live Investigations from their Haunted Location giving viewers in multiple platforms unprecedented access into the world of real Paranormal Investigations! Even if your location or yourself doesn’t have a way to stream live don’t worry us at Global Ghost Hunt have you covered! - Full team support -Full Location Support -Massive Exposure on a Global Scale -Full Multimedia Department for promotion of Teams/Locations -Streaming Each Teams Investigation on Multiple Platforms and more! And that’s just alittle bit! We have an entire Administration Team that is making this all happen and our number 1 goal is providing each team with whatever they need to 1. Give them the most promotion/ exposure 2. So that each team can have a successful awesome investigation! So come an join us for this Epic Event! We will be announcing our sponsors for Glibal Ghost Hunt closer we get to the event and we have some awesome backings! Follow Global Ghost Hunt Now on Facebook, Twitter, Tik-Tok, and YouTube for upcoming News and Updates!! And for all information regarding this event again head over to and Register your team Now!!
A.E.Soar & Paul Stevenson From Haunted Magazine!

A.E.Soar & Paul Stevenson From Haunted Magazine!

On this Episode of Talking With The Source we have on A.E.Soar & Paul Stevenson from the Amazing, Haunted Magazine! Here is Alittle but more about our Guests A.E.Soar(Andy): Andy Soar has been called a polymath. He’s designed Haunted Magazine in digital and print formats since 2009 designing well over 40 magazines now joining forces with editor and now bestie Paul Stevenson. He’s also a composer and has had work featured on BBC Introducing in the East Midlands where his track First Light reached approximately 100,000 listeners as The Haunted Guy. Andy has also written a novel “72 Minutes in the Woods” with accompanying soundtrack - both of which are available on Amazon. His interest in the paranormal came early on through exposure to magazines like The Unexplained. Whilst always having a fascination in this area, programmes like the X Files and Most Haunted fuelled this notion that there is more out there. After meeting Paul, investigating became almost inevitable! As part of HauntedLIVE with friends Jason & Simon, we have key locations in central England such as East Drive, Haunted Antiques, Moira Furnace, Prism Nightclub and Bosworth Hall all broadcast live on Facebook. It’s a passion now and after seeing and experiencing things that simply cannot be explained away easily, the ongoing search for what’s next continues. The magazine, now in it’s 35th issue (technically there’s been more - long story!) hits stores on September 6th and is our largest print issue to date. No topic is out of bounds and the writing talent continues to blossom with each issue. With it’s ghosts, ghouls, Cryptids, Creatures, Aliens, Ufos and the unexplained, we are up for nearly anything! Paul Stevenson: Bio for Paul Bio for Podcast: Paul Stevenson has been called many things, some of them unrepeatable. The idea for Haunted Mag was born in 2006 when he felt the need for a fun entertaining yet informative magazine about all things spooky was needed. He grew up reading about ghost stories, watching scary and horror stuff when he probably shouldn’t have done. Fell in love with the Usborne Guide to series of books that captivated a generation of kids and explained ghosts, UFOs, monsters and the supernatural in ways that a kid could understand and appreciate more. Loved reading about poltergeists, Harry Price, Borley Rectory, watching Hammer Horror and the interest grew from there. The first issue of Haunted Magazine came out in 2009 and Andy and Paul have always been adamant that quality features and writing must be backed up by quality design and that Haunted should be a magazine that they would buy if they saw it in the shops. The magazine has grown from strength to strength and is now distributed and stocked all over the world. This is also down to the incredible writing talent available, #teamHaunted as it likes to be called. Paul regularly ghosthunts with Andy as part of HauntedLIVE, along with mates Simon and Jason, be it as an event, a live stream or just investigating a great location. There’s something pretty special about ghost hunting with your mates. Paul has seen things he can’t explain and he hopes that that continues. He is a big believer in the paranormal being for anyone and everyone who wants to be involved in it regardless of age, experience, status, type or belief and whilst disagreement, debate & discussion should be welcomed it should be done with positivity, kindness and respect. He is married and has twin teenage daughters (another reason to get out of the house to investigate the paranormal) The magazine, now in it’s 35th issue (technically there’s been more - long story!) hits stores on September 6th and is our largest print issue to date. No topic is out of bounds and the writing talent continues to blossom with each issue. With its ghosts, ghouls, Cryptids, Creatures, Aliens, Ufos and the unexplained, we are up for nearly anything! If you haven’t gotten your subscription of Haunted Magazine yet Head over to and get your Subscription Now Just in time for their Newest issue of Haunted Magazine which is dropping in Two days!!! Get all your paranormal needs from Spirits, the afterlife,to Cryptids, UFOs and much much more!! Haunted Magazine covers it all!!!

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  • Relatively Paranormal Equipment Instagram
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